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transitive/ Sappho’s Gymnasium (a collaborative collection of poems by Olga Broumas and T Begley [Copper Canyon Press, 2000])

“Written as if by two students of Sappho in ancient times, fragments of whose work have survived, these poems offer brief, mysterious glimpses of a world beyond our ordinary reach. That world is not, however, the Lesbos of late 7th-early-6th-century B.C., but the contemporary mind, littered with broken pieces of information and language, and attenuated connections between sexuality, spirituality, poetry, feminism, metaphysics and the stones, birds, flowers, leaves, herbs and light of the actual, elusive here and now.” (Publisher’s Weekly)

Marlene Mountain

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A couple weeks back, The Haiku Foundation began a new feature entitled Book of the Week, highlighting haiku collections of the past and shedding new light on them. A digging up and a re-introduction of sorts. Cool idea.

In honor of their first selection, Marlene Mountain’s groundbreaking collection, the old tin roof (1976), I thought it fitting to share here Jack Galmitz’s in depth essay on Mountain’s oeuvre, “then I must go to the Mountain: (space reserved) for Marlene Mountain,” which appeared in R’r 12.2.

To read a PDF of Jack Galmitz’s essay, click on the title here: then I must go to the Mountain.

To read Mountain’s the old tin roof in it’s entirety, part of The Haiku Foundation’s Digital Library, click here.